WORK 2nd Unit Director
Stunt Coordinator
SFX Supervisor
Armourer Supervisor

WORK 2nd Unit Director
Stunt Coordinator
SFX Supervisor
Armourer Supervisor
WORK 2nd Unit Director
Stunt Coordinator
SFX Supervisor

WORK Stunt Coordinator
SFX Supervisor
Special Forces

WORK Ass. Stunt Coordinator
Stunt Coordinator
SFX Supervisor (Asien)

Our special story-oriented approach also guarantees unique special effects. We constantly keep an eye to the story’s perspective when developing every single effect, and pay the closest attention to detail and authenticity while complying with the highest international safety standards.
With our team of materials processing specialists, we also plan and realize entire structures and constructions to help ensure that the production process runs smoothly.
High speed ready effects
Just as UHD & 4K need HD ready make-up, the new high-speed technology that allows us to use cameras like the Phantom needs a whole new approach to explosions. To achieve the same effect of overwhelming energy, violence and punch that standard movie explosions give us at classic or slightly higher frame rates, high-speed frame rates need detailed multistage explosions. Accurately timed to the microsecond, implemented with a completely different set of explosives.
Thanks to our extensive work with high-order explosives and tons of experience with super-slow motion shoots up to 20,000 fps, we know exactly what an explosion in high speed needs. Again, authenticity is our main goal!